Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Happy Birthday Logan Darby
My Little boy that fell asleep in the sunshine while I was watering the garden and still chatting to him
My Little boy that demands to wear Spiderman Ugg boots with shorts , on the wrong feet in the middle of summer.
My Little flower delivery boy each morning. HE IS 5 !!!!!!!!!
My little Logan who is still the smaller in weight and size than his 2 year old brother is 5 tomorrow. Feb. 28th. Where did the time go. My little boy that every day walks in with the most beautiful smile on his face and says "mummy I've got a surprise for you" both hands behind his back full of yellow daisies. This morning I found a bunch of them near my computer. I wish they would last longer than a few hours after they were picked. Never will I forget the love, and emotion this little boy has bought to our lives. (especially when watching what he dealt with in the Royal Childrens Hospital that first year of his life.) He is my angel boy that we were told we'd lose. No one knows the love and admiration Corey and I really have for this little battler. He is precious. Happy Birthday Logan "close your eyes mummy I've got a secret, Kisses on your nose and " I love you too.."


Emma-Kate Castricum said...

Happy birthday for tomorrow Logan. My Kitty turn 2 tomorrow too so it must be the day for amazing children!

Danielle said...

Happy Birthday to Logan!

It is such a sweet gift to have him here to celebrate and enjoy after such a difficult start. I hope you all have a lovely day.



Tanya said...

Happy Birthday Logan!! What a special little man he is!


Anonymous said...

This post made me tear up. Happy birthday little man!

linda said...

Thanks for your comment! Good to read of all you've come through as a family. God bless and happy blogging.

Jen-ben said...

Oh he is so so cute and sweet!! I have one of those at our house, it makes life so much sweeter!! Oh how I wish I could come to Australia and take your families photos!!! I've always wanted to go to Australia...always!!
And your outdoor room is AMAZING!!

Sandy said...

What a special post and a special boy!