Monday, 24 March 2008

BAN THE BLOODY BUNNY..... Easter.... hmm what can I say. Too much chocolate still lurks about in my fridge and I believe my boys are still hyperactive from it all......... let me take you back Chayse had 3 parties to go to on Saturday. Two different groups of friends and yes he got invited to both parties, same day, same time, much to his discust. Well we did half at each. That was annoying enough travel from place to place with three other boys on board over lunch time. Too much sugar with double overload of cake and lollie bags etc . We then had my youngest brothers 30th. We said to the boys please behave and use your manners. Simple request, right. So the night was going great, mind you we were the only family with all boys. Everyone else had either one baby or girls so my boys were having a ball with everyone getting them soft drinks etc. They were dancing around one minute to the band when all of a sudden I've looked up and noticed everyone looking at the front and all the young guys laughing. I stand up to see my eldest two into each other, wrestling but getting more serious by the minute. Ohhh my God. In front of everyone. Corey goes up and drags them off each other and Brodie is now in tears as it's got that serious they are literally trying to punch and hurt each other. I was soooo embarrased...... Mind you they were best friends 5 minutes later while I was left with the embarrasment of it all. Some big misunderstanding because they couldn't hear what the other was saying due to loud music. Well they did behave for the rest of the night and we lasted till midnight. Got the boys home to bed and then Corey was going to head next door to the work shed to get the kids Easter Eggs and bring them home. He sells them you see so I didn't buy them this year. We get the kids to bed and then realise we can't find the keys to the shed. We searched for an hour and I start to panic saying the kids can't wake up to no eggs. Well by 1.30am we had to go and wake his parents and get their keys (family business you see) to get into the shed for bloody eggs...... By now we were so cranky I was cursing the bloody bunny. I was even more grumpy by the end of easter Sunday with kids high on chocolate. You see by the time the aunties and uncles all bring their egg to the kids I'm saying enough is enough. IT"S TOO MUCH................ Hence ban that bloody bunny.
Hope you all had an eventful easter too...... Happy Easter everyone.... no really...... I do mean it........


Georgie said...

Sorry for laughing at this whole post....but I just did...a lot!!!
Hope Parker got a bit of that egg in his mouth!
Happy Easter xxx

Elise said...

I agree with the comment above.

Just the imagery of what you were describing. I know that it certainly wouldn't have been funny at the time. Maybe some of the events could be used as the basis for some stories that you can tell after the fact and have a laugh(???)

Hoping now that it's all over you can settle into a week where everything is smooth sailing.

Little Sweethearts said...

Hello Kristen,

Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog!

Four boys, wow, I guess that can be both a challenge but definately also a blessing at times.

I hope that you are able to laugh with the situation now. Sleep deprived parents and the Easter Bunny: not such a good combo ;-)


Leslie said...

you don't know me, but you left a comment on my blog and i wanted to say thank you.
your easter posting made your weekend sound very hectic. wow.
anyhow, thank you for your kind words to me. i am grateful every time someone takes the time to share their thoughts and show support. thank you so very much.
-leslie *
p.s. your children are beautiful.

Capture said...

Kristen -

Thank you so much for your comment on my blog! I love getting them!
Your boys are too beautiful...every one of them...just handsome little men. If I'm ever in Australia, I'll let you know!! :) :)

Steffie said...

Hey there, Kristen!

I'm about to leave for a short trip, but I did want to shout a quick hello your way before I leave and let you know that I have read your comment.

Your boys are SO gorgeous! Spunky, cheeky, happy... what perfect children! Looking at those photos made me smile. I babysat four brothers for almost ten years and your boys remind me of them. They were more than just a handful and judging from the sparkle in their eyes, yours look like they're not angels 24/7 either. ;)

I'd definitely love to see what I can come up with for a drawing! To be honest, four dangling legs would be the easiest to draw, but how about you collect a bunch of photos you like so I can brainstorm some ideas and get back to you with ideas? Does that sound ok?


Tanya said...

Boys will be boys!!! Parker looks so cute with all that chocolate over his face! I'm sorry but I have to admit that I did have a little chuckle reading this entry :) I hope you have recovered from your weekend!!!

Love the photos of Brodie... he is such a handsome young man, & it sounds like he has a big heart!!! xx

Steffie said...

Duh, sorry, I forgot to give you my email address! It's lookingforsavannah(at) Sorry about that!

I don't charge anything. I'm not a professional artist, so I only take commissions when I have time and when I like the project. In return, if okay with you, I would email you the largest version of the picture I have so you could have it printed yourself. Depending on the resolution, any size print should be okay as long as it's not billboard sized as Sheye requested with the Ava print. ;) But any poster size should work (most photo places print posters or you have it done online).

I have to warn you - it'll probably take me a few weeks to complete this as I am preparing to graduate from uni, but towards the end of April/early May I'll have some time to breathe again.

If you like, you can make a small donation to charity in return, but that is totally up to you!

molly said...

You left a sweet comment on my blog so I thought I would say hi. I thought I was busy with my two boys, I can not imagine four! Australia is beautiful. I have been lucky enough to have visited twice. you should check out my other blog too if you haven't already.

Heatherly Jewelry said...

Thanks for your wonderful compliment. Sounds like you had your hands full at your brothers party. Sheesh.

Shannon said...

Whew, that post wore me out just reading it. What a night you had, full of family and craziness! You are a good sport. Looks like everything turned out great for the boys in the end. Better luck next year (smile).

Shannon said...

at first I mistook the chocolate for stitches and I was thinking...this poor little boy. he looks pretty happy.