Thursday, 27 March 2008

If you are a regular reader of my blog you would know little Parker has Symbracydactyly Syndrome. He has no bones in one hand and his fingers twist and bend back. What you don't know is that there are two in our family with "dickie hands". My hubby Corey lost the top of one of his fingers in a motorbike accident when he was 17. I clicked these photos of them the other night while they were laying on the floor together. As you can see the youngest outlasted dad again..........


Danielle said...

Such lovely photo's and a lovely moment.

Being different makes them all the more special.


Tanya said...

Kristen these are beautiful! a very special moment! Parker is such a little sweetie!

Tanya xx :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo. Very sweet. I came across a comment you made on Autism Blog. Please check out my blog when you get a chance. My daughter M is autistic and has a rare chromosome disorder. I am enjoying your blog. Such great photos.

dani said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Julie L. said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog the other day and introducing yourself I'm the writer of the one Marla mentioned.

I like your photos. Your boys are very cute.

As for today's post, I've never heard of that disorder before. Looks like a tough one to spell. I agree with Danielle about being different and special. So true..
take care--jml

Amy said...

Hi Kristen!
Thanks for stopping in on my blog!

Wow..someone with more boys than me underfoot! My admiration goes out to you!

meganxxx said...

Hey Kristen!

I love the photos of your boys-sooo cute! My god girl they must keep you busy!!! My three are enough to send me over the edge at the best of times-with four you are a saint my girl! (BTW I love their names too)

Thanks for popping in on my blog, I will be sure to check back to see what you guys are up to here!!

Shannon said...

I must say after reading your blog and your older posts that I am in love with your blog and your boys.
I have 2 precious boys myself and they bring such joy to our family.
Our Riley was born polydactyl (sp) on his left foot. He had corrective surgery at 6 months. You would never know unless you really looked at his foot and saw the zig zag stitches. Riley refers to it as his surgery toe.
Anyway...I could write a book, but I won't. I just wanted to say that I admire your parenting and bless you and your family.

Also...what beautiful hands.

Lori said...

Thank you so much for the kind comment on my blog, I appreciate it. :)
Your family is just lovely!

Shannon said...

I have a thing for little boys and their hands. You're Parker has extra special ones. Very sweet pictures with him and his daddy.

(My sister in-law has no bones in her toes on one foot. I wonder if it's the same thing?)

dani said...

i left you a comment on your february 21st post... about your 'little girl' blues.
i hope this find you, your darling boys, and husband having a wonderful day!

Blended in Texas said...

Too weird! My hubby has a missing fingertip on his wedding ring finger too! He's a woodworker...uhm, yeah, I'm sure you can figure out how he lost it. ;)By the way,your boys are gorgeous!