We have had the nicest long weekend with our best and favorite friends visiting. My hubby had two best mates at school, Shannon and Damien. They were here with their beautiful wives Vikki (my sister in another lifetime) and Katrina.
Put the three families together and hey presto we have NINE boys. (not a single girl, which my boys absolutely delight in.)
Brodie said to me last night. I wish they could be our friends forever.... When I told him they could he wanted to know why they had to leave then.
We had such a nice day Friday. All the boys played great together. The dads ran them out with a game or two of dodge ball and then watched the football match while us girls ate scones and chatted and ate and....(yeah that's enough of that part)We left the kids with the grandparents and went to the nicest restaurant. Well if you can call it that. It was Thai food and we sat outside in our own bali hut. It was amazing, as if no one else was there. The chairs were so big they looked like kings thrones. Shannon was so comfortable by the end of the night he was laying down on his cushions. The food...OMG, devine. delicious, superb.!!!!!!!!!!
Old friends really are the best. It was so nice to sit and talk, child free. I'm not so sure that the guys will ever really mature though. They still giggled like little school girls about past events in our lives. MEN !!!!

I must also make special mention to Elise (my god sent angel) for helping me work out links. How simple things are when someone shows you the easy way. A million thank yous to... lets see if this works now..... Elise.
How funny. My hubby does the same thing with his buddies. Glad you had a great visit! Love the soccer team!
Hi Kristen and thanks for the tag, fortunately I can use the advice Tanya and Elise have given you re linking etc to help me out :)
Glad you had such a great weekend. We have regular catchups with old friends and it really doesn't matter how much time has passed, we all just revert to our younger selves and have so much fun. And boys will always be boys ;)
And btw, I always do all our clothes the night before and I do lunches too - if I could do the girls' hair ahead of time, I'd do that too LOL I move so slowly in the morning, I just like to go to bed knowing we're in good shape.
Wow, all those boys!! that looks like great fun ~ hope the rest of your weekend is as much fun,
Tabitha X
Glad you guys had such a great, fun weekend! Sounds wonderful.
Hi Kristen
You did it, the link to my blog worked perfectly. Thank you so much for those beautiful words and you are more than welcome. I am just so happy that I could help.
My husband volunteered to do another list of some random things about me, so it is now on my blog. Thank you for thinking of me for this tag.
It doesn't get much better than that - spending the weekend with beautiful friends, all of the kids playing happily together and indulging in some great food. Sounds like a perfect and memorable weekend.
Love to you and your family
Hi Kristen!! sounds like you had the perfect weekend!! so happy to hear you guys had a great time you so deserve it!! Love the photos especially the last one! glad you got the link thing happening!
Wow, it sounds like you guys had a great time. How fun! It's so nice hanging out with just the grownups sometimes! Sounds like a neat restruant.
Fun Weekend! I can't believe you all have boys, and a night out with friends and no kids is a treat too.
On a side note. We just took Corbin for an important assessment today. It was with the organization that determines diagnosis as well as if he qualifies for assistance in getting the therapies he may need. After a morning of testing they decided that they couldn't decide! They see big red flags but not all the red flags. They want to visit his preschool for more observations. Ahhh so we wait. Why does it take so long to get help? We have already waited 8 months to get here. We know that whatever is wrong is mild, but he still needs help, something is ‘off’. Okay I'm done venting. And now I'm going to bed (it's late here).
It looks pretty darn fun "Down Under"!! Dana
i tagged you too Kristen!!
hi, kristen...
just checking in on you and yours. i hope your week has been equally as great as your last weekend was:D
love and blessings,
dani xx
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