Friday, 13 June 2008

I love watching (and listening) to the excitement the boys still get when their dad comes home at the end of the day. It's the same at lunch time to. They all run to the door like little puppies yelling "Dads home, dads home"
They love him so and place him on the highest pedestal. Likewise for him I know. He places them before all else and always ALWAYS makes time for whatever they want to do.


Tabitha said...

How lovely ~ they are very lucky boys to have such a wonderful daddy (and mummy too ~ of course!!).
Lovely photos too!!
love and hugs ~ Tabitha XXX

dani said...

he sounds like a wonderful, devoted father. your boys are so blessed to have the two of you!!! so blessed, indeed...

Grammy Staffy said...

Isn't that wonderful. My kids were like that with my husband too.

I did not have a loving father in my life but it makes me so happy for those who do.

Wish your hubby a happy Father's Day from me.

If you get a chance drop by. I made cyber breakfast for you today.

The Joys of having Boys said...

Hello!! I saw your comment on my blog and wanted to say thanks for stopping by. Wow!! Really from Australia. That is awesome!! You have such handsome boys!! I can't wait to hear more about your lives.

Elise said...

How blessed your boys are to have such a devoted Dad (and mum).

It must make your heart sing to hear them so excited when their dad arrives home. Your husband must be one very proud man to have a family that adores him so much.


Tanya said...

Kristen no parent could ask for anything more!! I know my hubby loves it when the kids rush to greet him!! He sounds like an amazing dad!! Your boys are so very blessed to have such beautiful devoted parents!!


Emma-Kate Castricum said...

It's really lovely when they adore their Dad. My kids are the same, they both run at the kitchen door when they hear the garage door go up of a night. It's lovely for Craig because his Dad's such an a**hole. So he's getting to enjoy a parent/child bond for the first time....Have I mentioned how unloving his mother is yet??!!
Have a good week,


Tammy said...

Love your pictures. You have a great looking family. Having boys is wonderful. Mine too really seem to enjoy being with dad. Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you visit again. I know I'll be back to yours. I love blog's from mom's of boys. I'm in Michigan, USA and look forward to reading about a family with 4 boys so far away.

Shannon said...

Dads are special and kids know it. Looks like you got a good one too.

meganxxx said...

Don't you love that? My kids love it when their dad comes home too-i think it really gets him quite chuffed actually!

I think men are a different breed of fathers now than what they used to be-dont get me wrong I am sure there are some out there but todays dads seem to be so much more open with their affection. How lucky for us as their wives and mothers of their children! You certainly have hold of a gem Kristen, as I am sure he has in you too.

Kath said...

I agree Megan. Out kids are really benefitting from the fact that thier fathers can be more open with their affection and to share their emotions.

Grammy Staffy said...

I was just thinking of you tonight and wanted to stop by and say hello. How are things going with Logan? Has he started in the new school? How are you?

When I think of you it is always with love and best wishes. Have a good day.

Grammy Staffy said...

Sat. 6/21 My google reader tells me that you've published a new post but I can't get it to come up. However, since I traveled all the way to see you I will say hello anyway. I will keep looking for the new post.

Have a good day.

4funboys said...

How blessed your boys are to have a daddy like that!