We've waited over 18 months for it to be our turn for an appointment and it's finally here tomorrow. We will travel to Bendigo for Logan to have the full 3 hour assessment for Autism.
It's a day I've been dreading and a day I've been desperately longing to come to get answers.
When Logan was 1 and a half we started seeking answers to his behaviours to no avail. We had to go on a waiting list for over 2 years for speech therapy as there were no services able to accommodate us. We are finally getting things rolling.
I just want to know does he have it or is it something else. Two paediatricians at the Royal childrens have assessed him and said they feel he has so this is the big one now. A team of 7 doctors, speeachies and psyhcs etc. It will be a long day for him but we need to know where we are headed for schooling reasons.
I'm so anxious. Do I want to hear Your son does have Autism or do I want to hear no we don't think so. Either way Corey and I feel something is so very different to the other boys and just want help.
We'll still love you bigger than the world Logie.

(wish me luck, no maybe love as it will get us through.)
Parker is the same way about a drop of water on him. I think that's one of the reasons he hates brushing his teeth. Good luck with whatever you find out. Is he the only one of your sons that might have autism? I forget if you were talking about him or one of your other sons. I hope it all goes well for you today and that you feel peace with whaterver you hear. ((hugs))
Oh wow. Good luck with the appointment. I know that not knowing can be just as awful as a bad diagnosis. I will be thinking about you and Logan.
lots of love and a prayer:=
Please know that someone on the other side of the world is thinking and praying for Logan! No matter what happends, Logan is still perfect :-)
Wishing you all the luck in the world!! sending you lots of love... you are so right... love will get you through, I hope & pray that you get the answers you need & no matter what... Logan is & will always be your sweet little man!!
You and Logan will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Hi Kris,
I didn't see this until just now (it's late) or I would have asked Vik tonight how it all went. She said she'd been talking to you, I'll ask her tomorrow. I hope you got the answers you wanted lovey!
What a shame you can't go with Vik on her Melbourne adventure tomorrow, it's sounds like you could do with it!
I told her I'll come in one sat with her and we can go exploring ( i love the city) how great if you could come down then?! We could have a girls day out!
We are praying for you and your family across the world!--Dana (moonpie in the sky)
Hi again Kristen, hope that it went as smoothly as possible yesterday and that you are ok.
This post makes me realise another link between us (in addition to the Jennings and Swan Hill ones). I work as a school Integration Aide helping kids with autism and Aspergers. I'd be so happy to have a chat with you if you'd ever like to, if so just drop me a line at
You might also be interested in looking at this website, they are lobbying the government to fund a minimum of 1000 Hours of Early Intervention per annum for 2 years for every pre-school child with autism.
Anyway, this may all be premature, just wanted to reach out. Btw, Logan is so very lucky to have such loving, involved and supportive parents
Thnaks heaps everyone. I love reading comments but especially on days like today.
Emma I'm holing you to that trip.
Thanks again
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