Firstly thank you so much for all you thoughts for Logan. I really appreciate them. It's nice to know he is cared about as Autism is one of those things when people look at your child and see that nothing looks wrong but behind closed doors there behaviour can be very abnormal.
Thanks again Sue for your help and Emma we are going one day (Definitely).
Well the day was different to what I'd imagined. Basically Corey and I were lead one way with a paediatrician doctor while Logan was lead the other by a couple of others. We answered question after question for over 2 hours with every detail being documented. Logan played games and was asessed. When we finished we were told the doctors were all going to have a meeting to discus their findings and would ring us Monday to let us know what they thought. So we will twiddle our thumbs till then as they gave nothing away as to which way it would go. On a lighter note Brodie burst into the house today with a big grin saying he'd finally lost his first tooth. (he's been waiting for over 12 months as Chayse has lost so many). He held up this tooth, smiled and quickly walked away. I called him back and said show me the hole in your mouth. He grinned mouth closed then just held the tooth up again. It was about four times the size of a normal tooth with the biggest roots I've ever seen. He headed up to his room saying he was putting it under his pillow for the tooth fairy to bring him money when Chayse burst in saying it's a sheeps tooth. YUUUUKKKK. Get it out, wash your hands..... He'd been in the vacant paddock next door and discovered it thinking he had a wonderful plan. OOhhh boys... !!!!!!!!!!!!.............

Haha - that is disgustingly funny, and very clever......Boys.
I will be thinking about Logan on Monday and say a special prayer.
Ok yuck yuck yuck about the sheep tooth. A boy thing maybe but, I think my youngest gril could possibly pick something like that up too. She has no problem picking up all kinds of bugs. I am thinking of Logan and hoping for the best outcome. Your boys sure are gorgeous!
that was hilarious!!! did you hear my laughter aroud the world???how clever your brodie is:D
and, i will keep your little logan in my thoughts and prayers...
still sending love,
How funny, he obviously desperately wants a visit from the tooth fairy!!
Hope all goes well on Monday, will be thinking of you.
Warm wishes,
Tabitha X
Boys!! you have to take your hat off to Brodie for coming up with such a plan LOL.
Hope everything goes well for you all on Monday!! It's not fair that they make you wait & wonder!! sending hugs xx
Aaahhh, the lengths one will go to for a special visit from the tooth fairy. What a grand plan your clever Brodie came up with.
I'll be praying for Logan and your family while you are waiting to hear from the doctors. You will not be far from my thoughts on Monday.
Sending hugs
Thank you for your comment on my blog. Your boys are beautiful!
It is very difficult having a child that presents so many challenges. Some days I'm just praying for those little glimpses that they give us because they seem so few and far between.
I know for me I felt much relief when we finally got Jamesons diagnosis. It made me feel like I wasn't crazy to think that something was not right. It also helps to know where to go next.
Good luck and hugs to you!
Ha!!! I love it! A sheep's tooth! Prayers for your Logan!
Yuck! That is too funny though. Any news yet? You guys are in my prayers.
what a beautiful photograph
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