Friday, 1 August 2008

ANOTHER REASON TO LOVE HIM I have a very talented hubby really. He made us all hardwood beds, paved all our outdoor area, built the boys tree house and lately just finished my court yard wall. We have a weird design in our house. You may have notice that the middle of our house is an opened court yard. I love the fact that I have a house with a full square of tiled area running around the middle. I call it my walking track as stupid as it sounds but yes I really do walk around it. Hey when you have 4 little kids and can't walk on a busy road with them all what's a girl to do. They'd watch their tv show while mum did laps around with her music on. Well talented hubby has just finished stone bricks on one wall as a feature and I love it. Now I just have to get my handy brothers here as they do rendering and painting then I won't have blue walls outside anymore.


Amanda said...

Please send your hubby over here! I'll pay for the postage haha! I usually have to nag mine to do anything about the house :/ !
Your house will be looking great :)

dani said...

he is a jewel, kristen:) i could use a handy man (although i like doing some of those sorts of things myself, i guess it's the engineer in me;)!!!
my best friend from grade school had a courtyard in the middle of her house, too. i always thought it was the coolest thing ever!!!

Shannon said...

I love the rock. It looks great. I don't think I have ever been in a house that had a courtyard like that.

You are very clever too. We moms have to our exercise in somehow, why not walk some laps around the house?

Emma-Kate Castricum said...

Do you think we could swap, just until I get my bbq area finnished?

Little Sweethearts said...

I love the courtyard idea. Actually, when we first went "shopping" for a house we looked at one that needed complete remodeling and we had thought about putting in a courtyard in the middle as well!


meganxxx said...

I agree Kristen he is a gem! My hubby, as gorgeous as he is has what i call "soft fingers"-a tradesman he is not! The courtyard looks awesome!

Take care

Grammy Staffy said...

The wall looks amazing.... what a talented, hard working hubby you have.

I want to see your fun house.... I don't have a walking lucky girl.

We just got home from our long journey. It is nice to get back on line and say hello to you again.

Have a good day

Tanya said...

The courtyard idea is just fantastic Kristen! You are one lucky girl! He is definitely a gem!!
I wish you could have joined us on Friday, the blogging is just amazing... never thought I would actually get to meet anyone in person! It is funny seeing Elise & I in a photo together, I have to keep telling myself that it actually did happen!!

take care,

Tanya xxxx

Mandy @ Belle and Boo said...

That wall looks amazing, it must have taken ages.

Elise said...

Your husband is one talented man. I wonder if any of your sons will take after him?

You are a very resourceful mum, creating your very own walking track in your own yard - a perfect idea.

Lots of love

4funboys said...


Can I borrow him??? that's an amazing wall... how long did it take him to do all that?

Tammy said...

It looks really good.