Tuesday, 16 December 2008


Many months ago I entered a competition and completely forgot about it, until today. Today I got a phone call from Warner Brothers Movieworld asking me how I came up with my entry name. You had to name Seaworlds new baby dolphin. It was on the internet and I'd come across it while booking flights for our March family holiday. I WON !!!! out of thousands and thousands of names suggested.
I rushed to tell Chayse who was home sick in bed about this baby dolphin that was now the owner of the name "Chayse". Yes I put down my sons name. He was thrilled as were his Brothers when he told them. We won free family entry to the theme park and a special closed tour of dolphin cove to meet all the dolphins and have photos taken with the new little swimmer "Chayse".
Sooo excited for the kids as we've booked to go to Queensland for a week and do the theme parks. Of course the boys don't know yet as they'd drive me crazy waiting and counting down. So they now know tickets are on their way here for when mum and dad think they're grown up enough to fly over to see dolphin Chayse. Great bribery materail to be good in March I think.
Well Xmas is nearly here so I bought myself a pair of "I love Billy" shoes. I seem to be buying myself a gift every Xmas of late. Oh well whats a girl to do when she has all boys. I have to buy something girly for someone so it may as well be me.


dani said...

that is so cool, kristen:) you all are going to have such a great time; CONGRATULATIONS!!! chayse is a great name for a son AND for a baby dolphin:D
i hope you are enjoying the season!!!
ps your new shoes... ROCK!!!

Shannon said...

So Cool! Little dolphin chayse huh. What a fun adventure your family will get to have....your shoes are very cute. I always seem to pick up something for myself while christmas shopping too. So I'm with ya on that one.

Kat said...

That's awesome! Congratulations!

And cute shoes too. I just bought myself the cutest pair of shoes today. I loves them. :)

meganxxx said...

That is awesome Kristen, yay for you guys and especially Chayse-how chuffed is he??

I laughed at the shoe comment-i went out to finish off shopping yesterday and came home with 3 pairs LOL!!!! Not as cute as yours though.....must find them!

Merry christmas if I dont "talk" to you beforehand
Love Meganxx

Tanya said...

Oh CONGRATULATIONS!!!! that is wonderful! how exciting especially for Chayse! Love your new shoes!! the boys are going to love the theme parks!! We visit Dreamworld on a very regular basis, lucky it's only 5 mins away from us!!!!

t. xxxx

Do you have this in pink? said...

Hi, just read your comment on facebook but now I've read this I'm up to speed. So march, thats the trip that you were trying to get together with the Bergmans? What a bugger they can't do it with you. We went up about 3 weeks ago and it was pouring but the kids still had fun even in the bucketing rain!

Love the shoes, I've been buying myself christmas presents everytime I go shopping for someone else....bad habit!

Love em

Grammy Staffy said...

That is so cool!!! You are a celebrity now. I can't wait to see the pictures of your family with baby Chayse. I am impressed.

Looks like you've already gotten a Christmas surprise.

Have a very Merry Christmas

Grammy Staffy said...

Hello again dear.

I left a Christmas message for you on my blog. I hope that you can drop by and read it.

Merry Christmas

Amanda said...

I can totally understand why you haven't told the boys about the trip yet ~ can you even begin to imagine how often they would ask "how many days now Mum?"
I love your new shoes too. I LOVE shoes!
Hope you guys all have a great Christmas.
Amanda x