Yes Corey and I have found ourselves to be the entertainers when it comes to watching the Grand Final for Aussie Rules. This year we had 7 families here for the day. We did it last year and they kind of all invited themselves back for this year. Most of our circle of friends live in town whereas we have no neighbours and acres for the kids to run around on. It was a good day with too much wine and a great tea to top it off.
Everyone pitches in and brings a salad or dessert and we cook up a BBQ. With each family having 3 or 4 kids there were plenty here. The weather was beautiful on 34 although with the wind and the heat the kids were exhausted running all day.
It didn't end here till 1 in the morning with all the guys. I think I snuck off to bed at 11 and still paid for it the next day. (actually yesterday was a bit of a weary day to I must admit). Corey still can't figure out how the 5 guys left managed to finish off all that scotch!!
Below are some photos of Chayse with his beloved Sascha doing what I felt like all day, lazing around...
Well the boys have enjoyed the holidays so we are all happy. I was dreading them thinking 2 weeks with 4 boys HHMM. I've found that holidays can either be hard work with winging kids that are bored or fun if you schedule something every day. Nothing big or expensive mind you. Like yesterday by about 3 o'clock they were just starting to get to each other so we jumped in the car and headed to the park for a play. Grabbed them an ice-cream on the way home and the mood was very uplifted when they got home.
Today I needed a day at home to catch up on all those dreaded chores. We played a game of soccer in the sun and they are now all having a turn on the X-box. They think this is great as it usually only goes on every now and them on a weekend. Tomorrow we are meeting my mum for lunch and a day out. HHmm only Thursday and Friday to get through and Friday is show day here so we should be set. Yes I can survive 2 weeks home with a house full of boys, although one day last week Chayse and Brodie each had a friend come over for the day. 6 boys!! How will I ever survive when they all want one each and I have 8 ????????
Your a busy lady!
It sounds like you are surviving the school holidays ~ it's not always easy with all the boys, i know!!
Amanda x
hey, kristen:)
it sounds like you have been having lots of fun (which sometimes does make one "doggone" tired;)!!!
have a wonderful last few days of holiday, dear!!!
That sounds like my kind of party! How fun! Of course, I'm sure I would be paying for it the next day too.
Hang in there!
Sounds like a great way to spend the day!!! Yep holidays can be fun without spending big bucks!! funny how you dread them then before you know it there are almost over!!
hope you are well,
t. xxxx
the more the merrier... really!
they keep each other busy... just so long as you can keep them all fed.
Hi Kristen
It sounds like you've made great plans for your gorgeous boys to have an enjoyable holiday. The park can be life saver. I agree, inexpensive activities are often the best.
Enjoy the last two days.
Lots of love
What a fun picture of your boys playing Xbox. We are definitely out numbered. Lucky for me we have a couple of girl neighbors who like to come over and play :)
How fun to know other mom's with 4 boys.
It sounds like a lot of work for you but a lot of fun at the same time. My Lynell has 4 boys....they keep her running all the time...and it doesn't get any better as they grow older....but boys are surely special.
Yours are so cute.Enjoy the rest of the holidays.
thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. they all help me have a brighter day.
i read on your blog a bit and saw your post called 'benign'... and i wanted to say congrats. i am so glad you will be okay. enjoy life to the fullest... always. good luck with all you do. God bless...
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